

The following statements of long range desires constitute a shared vision for the future of the Windham Region. They form the basis of this plan and will provide a background for understanding the plan's policies. When readers of the plan are uncertain about the reasons for a policy, returning to the vision statement should help. The vision is:


  • A high quality of life, defined as a composite of our economic, social, cultural, and ecological well-being;
  • Support for modern infrastructure and telecommunications, while protecting the environment;
  • A special place to live and work with a caring attitude for the environment, for each other, and for our communities and their institutions;
  • A strong sense of history and culture;
  • Stewardship of the region and its resources so that future generations will enjoy a sound economy, a healthy environment, quality education, and effective health services;
  • A sense of independence and self reliance that also recognizes our interdependence and the need for mutual cooperation;


  • A variety in land use that reflects the region's diverse mix of rural lands, small communities and large centers, with the natural environment and working landscape part of our daily lives;
  • A region made better as a result of our efforts;


  • Individual places with their own identity and self destiny, commercial and industrial centers, historic villages and downtowns, residential communities, and recreational centers, all of which both contrast with and complement each other;
  • A functional man-made environment, with interest, beauty, and value that complements our natural environment;
  • Decision-making that encourages public involvement at every stage, and affirms the legal right and obligation of elected and appointed officials to act. An educated and informed citizenry ready to make effective choices; 
  • Dialogue within and among the region's towns about where and under what conditions change and growth should occur, and support for a type and pace of change that are appropriate for the region and its communities;


  • A sustainable future with an identification of—and focus on—critical issues, especially including environmentally and economically sustainable energy sources;
  • Development, conservation, and preservation interests working together for the benefit of our communities and the environment;
  • A regional commission that recognizes and supports the goals, policies, and issues of member communities as expressed in town plans, and that fosters cooperation among town, state, and federal governments and between public and private interests; and
  • Recognition of the rights and responsibilities associated with property ownership.